Booking Policy
Joining Rising Phoenix Collective PMA membership needs to be completed online prior to booking your session.
If the service you wish to sign up for is fully booked, you can join the waitlist to be notified of an open spot on a first-come, first-served basis.
If a spot becomes available, you will receive a phone call or text.
Cancellations/Late Cancel / No Show
We understand that life happens and unexpected situations arise.
​Cancellations are required 24 hours in advance. After two late cancellations and/or no-shows, members will be required to pay in advance for their services.
Your prepaid service will be forfeited should you cancel late or not show up for your session.
Cancellations must be made by calling/texting: 720.441.4838. ​​
Late Arrival to Your Session
Your session will be reduced any amount of time you are late for your reservation. We ask that you please plan accordingly and arrive on time to be able to take full advantage of your session.
Important Reminders
1. Each unit is precisely aligned by highly trained individuals and all units are equidistant from a center point to create the field within the EES space. We ask that you never touch or interfere with any part of the EESystem.
2. If you choose to disregard this policy, you will be asked to leave, your
membership will be revoked, and you will not be permitted back to Rising Phoenix Energy Enhancement Center.
3. Furthermore, should damage or misalignment occur as a result of your touching or interfering with the EESystem, you will be responsible for any and all costs to repair or replace the equipment, which is a $1,500.00 fee.
4. Please refrain from reorganizing the furniture.
We greatly appreciate you for taking these matters seriously.