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  • What is the EESystem and what are Scalar Waves?
    The Energy Enhancement System (EE System) is technology that creates an enhanced energy field. The EE System generates multiple bio-active enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves.” It generates morphogenic energy fields that can promote overall wellness. Scalar waves have always existed. They are well known in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics. A Scalar wave is known as a fifth-dimensional non-linear wave. Third-dimensional laws of nature do not bind the scalar wave. Thus scalar waves function in a self-referral and self-generating manner. They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter. When the human body enters a scalar wave field, the electromagnetic field of the individual becomes excited. This catalyzes the mind/body complex to return to a more optimal state. Cells in the human body, when functioning at their maximum health potential, range between 70-90 millivolts. The non-linear (Scalar) waves move through the matrix of the body via the crystalline structures within each cell. These crystalline structures are capable of holding a charge. This charge begins the process of increasing the cell’s millivolt range and cellular regeneration. As the cells are charged, any toxins in the cell begin to be released from the cell. This technology gives us the ultimate fuel for our bodies, improving circulation, oxygenation, and increasing cellular energy. At this level the body can rejuvenate and restore its health and balance.
  • How many units is your EESystem?
    Rising Phoenix Energy Enhancement System offers a 24-unit system. A majority of the research studies using the EESystem were conducted with a 4 or 8 unit system. That being said, the right or best number of units, is the one that is right or best for your body. This can change over time as your body becomes acclimated to the hyper-healthy energy field. Tune into your body during a session and it will show you the way. Whether 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, or 24, all systems are beneficial on a cellular level and all systems work with the DNA.
  • What is a PMA and is membership required to book a session?
    Rising Phoenix Collective is a Private Membership Association (PMA). Those wishing to visit our EES Center must become a member before booking a session. Joining Rising Phoenix Collective’s Membership needs to be completed online in advance, prior to your visit.
  • What does a session look like?
    Please arrive no more than 15 minutes early to your session when doors will be open. Address and parking instructions will be included in your booking confirmation email. We ask that you remove your shoes upon arrival and enter & exit our healing sanctuary quietly and respectful of others. Our center offers 6 comfy power recliners in an intimate space. Daily sessions will allow for up to 6 members; therefore, this is a shared space with others. Dr. Sandra Rose Michael believes that the more people in the room, the better. The collective energy helps to further raise the frequency in the room, therefore leading to an enhanced experience. If you truly want the deep cellular upgrade and shift that the EESystem has to offer, we ask that you turn your phone off or to place on airplane mode should you want to listen to your own downloaded meditation music with earphones. The goal is to go inward & reach the deepest level of relaxation, and therefore deep levels of self-healing. Soft, soothing music set to specific Hz frequency will help set the tone of your experience and assist in bringing balance to the R/L brain hemisphere. Enjoy complimentary scalar enhanced purified water. Please bring your own reusable water bottle. Keeping hydrated is imperative to support the detox process. ​
  • How do I prepare for my EES session?
    What to Bring to your EES Session: Personal reusable water bottle. Complimentary scalar enhanced purified water available. Earphones for noise cancellation and to listen to your favorite downloaded meditation music. Blanket & socks if you tend to feel cold. Sleep Eye Mask if you prefer complete darkness. A journal if you wish to write down your intentions or guidance that arises from your higher self during your session. ​ Do This Prior to the EES Session: Eat a light meal prior to your session and perhaps have a healthy snack ready in your car for after your session. Please note, we do not allow food in the EES space. Dress comfortably with layers. Please don’t use heavy perfumes or oils as some members are sensitive to strong scents. We strive to offer a chemical and fragrance-free environment as these are extremely toxic to the body. Drink plenty of filtered water before, during and after your session. Proper hydration will assist your body to adjust to the healing energy. Ground your energy with a few deep, cleansing breaths and set your personal intentions for the self-healing that you are seeking by speaking them out loud or journaling. Come with your beautiful open heart and open mind, ready to release, receive, relax, trust, and support your body’s desire to return to wholeness.
  • How long are sessions and how many are recommended?
    We offer 2hr, 3hr or 4hr sessions. Research has shown that around the 2nd hour while in the EESystem, the body starts to enter a state of self-healing. The longer you stay in the coherent field, the deeper the energy can be received. Dr. Sandra Rose Michael recommends being in the energy as often and for as long as you are able. This is especially important for those who are seeking to resolve chronic, long-term conditions. The effects of sitting in this “charged” field are cumulative. The more you are in the field, the more your body can move toward a state of vitality and restore balance & harmony. Each experience is unique, give your body permission and allow it to lead the way with its innate wisdom. Trust that your body knows what is best and needed for you. ​
  • Do I need to do anything special after my EES session?
    In addition to drinking filtered water and staying well-hydrated, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael emphasizes the importance of enjoying a warm 30-minute dead sea salt bath within 12-24 hours of your EES session. ​ If a bathtub is not available to you, then a dead sea salt foot soak is beneficial as well. ​ More bath and foot soak details will be provided after your session. Each EES session is most effective when blended with a healthy, holistic lifestyle. You are your own miraculous creator of the life that is waiting for you!
  • What about detox symptoms/reactions?
    Everyone's experience in the EESystem is special to their own unique body. Depending on the level of toxicity and drug residue, some people experience little to no detox symptoms, while others can experience an increase with their current symptoms they are seeking to self-heal. Neither of these reactions are wrong. In fact, detox symptoms are the body's intelligent way of helping you know that support is required to help move these toxins out of the body so that they don't recirculate and continue to cause issues. Supporting detox with hydration, the detox bath/foot soak and re-mineralizing is imperative to help move through the detox process with greater ease, and to assist these toxins out of the body. Lean into trusting your body, it knows what it is doing and it wants to heal. Set the intention to let go of fear centered around letting go of whatever created the dis-ease/disharmony, and hold deep gratitude for your body as it works through releasing these denser energies. Rather than resisting, believing they are wrong, or treating them like a disease; embrace any detox symptoms. Reframe your thoughts of feeling scared into feeling SACRED. Expect wellness and allow the Universe to wow you!
  • Can you give medical advice?
    We do not give medical advice or make any medical claims. We do, however offer compassion, empathy, encouragement, a warm hug, and a listening ear. It's important to remember that you are your own beautiful creator, and only you know you best. Your power resides within you, not outside of you. To learn more about what other people have experienced, please visit our Research and Testimonials pages to explore 3rd party and unsolicited EES experiences.
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